One Network Admin’s Tool to rule them All …

If you are an IT or Network Administrator, you would know the importance of software tools to make your job and life easier. Just Google your required tool and you will find thousands of tools available – some free some not. Not sure about you but I always wondered if I can have all those small tools in one place and guess what – Yes I can.

Here comes Net Tools 5.0.

nettools Continue reading

Interview Question – Where do you see yourself in 5 years ?

Almost everyone of you have encountered this question “Where do you see yourself in 5 years ?”

It always feel like a trick question. If you say what you honestly think, then you feel like you risk losing the position you’re interviewing for if your vision does not line up with the vision of the company or the recruiter. But if you lie, and say something to the effect of what the recruiter wants to hear, then you feel that s/he can see through that. What is an appropriate answer to this question without risking your job, and without saying something that isn’t true to what you want in the future? Continue reading

Computer Maintenance made easy for IT Administrators



Today’s IT landscape is ever-changing: PCs and laptops become increasingly more complex to maintain as software demand grows by the year. With each day of use, the reliability and performance of PCs and laptops decline and the devices overall working life is shortened due to the increased load. The likelihood of investing in new hardware or repairs early rises. Continue reading